we'd like to say we didn't get that phrase from the front (and side, and side, and side) from the case of Commodore Perry we found in the back of the "Giant," (is it? is it really Giant?) Eagle, but we'd be lying, now wouldn't we? Sure. But we tried it, this day of hot summer-bespeaks-summer day, and we loved it. Let's not lie, the first time we tried it, it was on draft, it was at the Lizard that Winked, and we drank it down until That Bar was out.
Very light, and very "flowery," as they would say (they?!), it's a nice feeling, a nice taste. I would recommend it with a burger (or is that with two 'c's? two 'm's?), or a pork chop, or a t-bone, or a whatever, really. The Commodore Perry is one that is found seasonally, in the Summer, one that you wouldn't find naturally, really. Nice and hoppy, it is true to the IPA style, but nice and smooth among those you would consider "true discipiles" of the India Pale style. It tastes, smells, and looks like a beer you could enjoy with the most innundated-with-blu-cheese burger, the least blandest-of-least-flavorful-burger burger, the sharpest-but-mildest-goudaest-burger of sammy-est meat between two buns structured the way ANY "thing" could exist in the world, forever and ever, amen.
We present to you, The Commodore Perry. We relinquish this India Pale Ale to You, the Fan and the Forever Non-fan of the india pale ale (note the caps, dear and dear and dearests). And in general, we give it a regular...